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27 Apr 2024 19:02:14
I think Lesleee was assuming that we would beat Stoke this afternoon.

It is easy to be wise after the event but in view of our form over the last week that was not a given.

I think all we learnt from this afternoon is that we can`t rely on fringe players.

Brookes, Mara, Sulemana, Bree and Charles do not inspire confidence. Edozie and Fraser were almost OK today but rarely any end product.

It will take a miracle to win the playoffs and as I said previously, it is more likely that justice will be done and the top 3 all go up this year.

A season of missed opportunity (and clear cut chances).

We can wave goodbye to Downes, TBH and KWP.

Adams and Stu would be advised to get one last payday elsewhere.

I fear for next season as a result of how things have unfolded since Bristol City stood up to us.

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27 Apr 2024 19:31:37
The reality is we are more likely to be involved in a relegation battle next season than a promotion battle.

When the players return to their parent clubs and others leave, we will have the look and feel of a League 1 outfit.

There is no leadership on the pitch, no bravery and no guile. Our possession based football is pointless and next season every other team will know how to set up against us.

We had a golden opportunity this season and unless there’s a miraculous turnaround, we’ve blown it.

To hear Right Moron claiming he’s tired and his mum is worried about him is incredulous. It’s totally embarrassing and if the board don’t take the logical step of sacking him, then shame on them.

Almost past caring now - how bad is that?

27 Apr 2024 22:40:48
Millertime .
Have you noticed that when something goes wrong, RM posts something that’s takes the attention towards himself .
the 0-5 loss . it’s all my fault I should have played stephens .
blah blah .
maybe his mum could phone him up and tell him to stop blagging . to stop the rhetoric nonsense.

I found it bizarre that in his whole playing career, not a single team paid a single penny for him .
umpteen loan’s etc ., god was he that irritating that they all wanted shot of him .
Google it .is RM the only player in history to never command a single transfer fee .

Well I’d pay 1p to send him to the school of ‘overinflated egos’!

The reality is (and I’ve posted it before) that there are many players who have not been allowed to play their natural game, have had their natural game quenched.

I would love to see some of our attacking players under a different manager .

I don’t think another manager would have loaned out Alcaraz, wouldn’t have given big paul a chance, would have loaned out Perraud (even worse! #^^€ $$€%% to give manning a starting place! )

Jones was ‘rather strange’ . but RM is deluded …

How can you think 60%+ possession against Leicester is good, while losing 5-0 while not registering a single shot on goal .
Stoke . half the possession, more shots, 3x the shots on target …
Even Billy bloggs managing the local pub team would think… I need to change this .

As per Ed001’s post earlier . imagine saints players allowed to do what they like!

I end my usual rants with the words of the weekend commentator .

I’ve seen more forward passes than a game of rugby!

I am expecting RM to be sacked when we don’t win promotion …
He will say, ‘but we had 69% possession, how can you sack me ., ‘

26 Apr 2024 18:36:02
The spirit the team need now

Gents, it's been a shocking week. Automatic promotion is gone, key players are down and we just took a battering. The pundits have written you off, the fans have written you off and some of you have given up.

You now have two choices. Wallow in misery like boys or fight like men.

Winning at Wembley is every footballers dream and you have that golden opportunity. Who has what it takes? Who is willing to chase, to get stuck in, to be bold for this team. Do it for you, do it for Stu, do it for the fans.

We have spent a season playing sideways, now we need to go forwards. This is your chance to step up and be a hero. Fight for your place in the team. Do not look back and regret what could have been. Give it all you've got.

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26 Apr 2024 22:42:36
I feel at this point I’d love to hear from an Ed (or 2408 who I’ve been trying to guess who you are) .
I’ve played various sports at a reasonable level, but I've never encountered a situation where the coach wanted us to do ‘plan A’ when clearly it was plan B or C or D that was needed .
How do the players get RM to change his ways, admit defeat, listen to the players .
why don’t the players on the pitch say f**k with this nonsense and unleash themselves ….

This is where my understanding ends.
Imagine being an attacking midfielder or an attacker, Waiting for that one defence splitting pass, That defence splitting run.
But all you get is sitting back and watching huge amounts of possession, but not where you want it to be.
So in reality, can the players just do it their way?

{Ed001's Note - it is quite common, you usually know it as 'losing the dressing room'. That is characterised by players ignoring instructions and doing what they think is right. Which is strange to me as I grew up with Liverpool dominating everything and that was the secret of their success. They put players together who knew how to play and just let them play. In fact there are a number of the players who tell stories about how they would ask for tactical instructions and be told that they should figure it out for themselves (well not in so many words, usually it involved them being told to go forth and multiply). Nowadays coaches want robots who just do as they are told, rather than thinking for themselves.}

27 Apr 2024 08:13:24
Complerely agree South_Hants_Rich and Ed001. Our flair players are being suffocated and they need the freedom to play. Stoke is a free pass. We should experiment and I hope the players push for that, if RM doesn't.

Give Lumley and Stephens a half and McCarthy and Bree a half. See who deserves their starting spot.

Give Sulemana and Fraser a real shot. We may need that pace against a high press and that tenacity in a cup final.

Take players on, put some crosses in the box. We are going to have an aerial threat with Ross Stewart coming back soon.

Go 4 2 3 1, put Sulemana up top, AA as CAM, put Jack Stephens in goal! Shave JWPs hair and pretends he's Will Smallbone. Anything!

Lets try something new. Give the players a free reign, show some fighting spirit, get the fans on the edge of their seat. At least for 30 minutes!

27 Apr 2024 17:59:29
Thank you Ed001 for that great reply …
I can understand that a coach may spot a shortcoming in someone’s game. but as you say, the modern coach, especially RM, are telling the players what they need to do!
Love the Liverpool story . cheers again

{Ed001's Note - very welcome.}

23 Apr 2024 22:00:29
Well that was embarrassing

The gulf between us and Leicester was immense.

9-0 again looked a possibility at one point.

67% possession. Not a shot at goal.

RM looked like a rabbit in headlights.

What is the point of Brookes? Does Edozie ever do anything when brought on?

Hardly good preparation for the playoffs.

Surely whoever finishes third will deservedly go up this year.

It is going to be grim next season.

Agree5 Disagree2

24 Apr 2024 11:47:26
67% possession, 721 passes to Leicesters 361 and not a shot on target …
You can analyse as much as you like, But that is it in a nutshell. And as for Russell Martin to say that we were competing in the game… We had a good one minute spell after halftime, Other than that, I enjoyed watching Leicester play!

22 Apr 2024 21:57:49
There is one simple reality in the goings on at SFC
Our possession obsession football, baffled opponents, they sat back and watched us . I think WBA was the prime example of this. A team on form and playing good football, just sat there and watched us.
And then after, what was it? 25 games unbeaten?. One manager simply said to his team, Go for it, Don't sit back and watch their possession. Bristol . The man had clearly watched empty videos of our possession football and wasn't scared by it.

For me, the biggest thing has been Russell Martin total inability to change tactics based on opponents changing tactics.
he is so obsessed with his way of playing but I honestly do not believe he has any understanding of other tactics.

Against Cardiff, their manager made some substitutions, it changed the game.
Russell Martin might as well have been in a Starbucks drinking a latte, because that is the limit of his reaction to the Cardiff change.

If we do end up winning the play-offs, I pray that Russell Martin is not part of Southampton football club in the Premier League.

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22 Apr 2024 21:36:41
The newest cliche in footballing parlance from pundits, reporters and the like is, "they find a way" which generally describes how the best teams come up trumps in the face of adversity.

Then there's us - the other side of the coin - "we find a way not to win".

How we didn't beat Cardiff defies belief - how we snatched draws from winning positions all season long also defies belief.

Simply put, we're masters at finding a way not to win football matches.

And why is that? As I've said many a time - we lack that winning mentality. When it comes to the play-offs I would fancy us to beat Norwich over two legs, but the others would batter us.

I don't like to admit it, but West Brom are the team which have the physical and mental strength to overcome possession football.

RM - you have much to answer for.

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13 Apr 2024 21:44:50
I'm all for the positivity and believe me I am trying lol but I'm still not optimistic about automatic.

Yes it is technically possible again now but we've been riding our luck too hard to get where we are right now. The teams above us have all dropped massive points but we having capitalized on that nearly enough.

The main factor will be when we face them. They're away games and Leicester and Leeds will both up their games and show their promotion form when playing against us. When it comes to ruthlessness and not conceeding when it matters I can't honestly say we've got it in us. Maybe if we start playing Lumley.

I'm going to be positive though, go with the flow and hope for the fairytale lol . Here's hoping for automatic ?

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11 Feb 2024 20:56:16
It's been a long time since I've expected Saints to win. It's been even longer since I've been excited to watch them play good football. It's been even longer since I've ENJOYED IT!

Even at half time yesterday. And all that positivity from five months' effort was gone. But even then I thought we could still get something.

But 8 goal involvements from substitutes is utterly obscene and shows our depth now. EIGHT! Rothwell 2G 1A, Brooks 2A, Mara 1G 1A, Edozie 1G. We won the second half 5-1!

Our two Bournemouth loanees were excellent and the fact they've come from the same club seemed to do wonders yesterday.

And just following it online from the second half, even at 2-3, I was still expectant rather than hoping, and I think Huddersfield were too.

Not only will that energise the fans, the fringe players, and galvanise the first XI regulars to pick up the standards, that must be massively deflating for both Leeds and Ipswich.

We were dropping to third albeit with a game in hand but have kept up the relentlessness and with Leeds playing Leicester in a few weeks, we could be a couple of wins clear before our dicey run-in.

I think it's just between us and Leeds now. Ipswich have nine points in nine games, but the three former Prem teams are all just winning and winning.

How epic could that game be at Elland Road to finish the season? And what's more, I can't wait for the game on Tuesday! We could pick any 6 of 11 MID/FWD players, and I'd still expect us to score four. 0-0 incoming no doubt.

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30 Jan 2024 20:45:30
So, Brooks done which begs the 6 million dollar question - what would the strongest team be in your view.

I've no fixed view but probably:


KWP. THB. Bednerek Manning?

Brooks. Smallbone. Armstrong Frazer

Armstrong Adams

That may be a bit light in midfield in which case I would bring in Alcaraz or Downes for Adams.

Left back is where we're short.

Any better line-ups?

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31 Jan 2024 08:28:50
Alcaraz off to Juve. Total madness ?

31 Jan 2024 13:05:21
Downes is literally our best player - it's madness you haven't selected him. As it stands, our best 11 is.

KWP. THB. Bendarek. Manning
Brooks A.Armstrong Fraser

31 Jan 2024 13:53:26
Be more than happy with that team!

31 Jan 2024 13:55:43
The point is, earlier on in the season I didn’t have a clue what our strongest team looked like but now I suspect most of us would agree on 9 or 10 of the starting line up.

That is a good thing!

21 Jan 2024 11:11:24
RM needs to make a decision on Jack Stephens and remove the captaincy from him. I have always felt that given a run of games Stephens settles in but we don't need him at the moment and can't risk giving him cameos like yesterday as that could have back fired. Would he have come on if he wasn't captain, I think not. So strip him of the captaincy and keep him on the bench PLEASE.

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01 Jan 2024 17:15:39
On the way back from Norwich and I think today's performance vindicated all of us who doubt the merit of possession football.

Once again, we had the lion's share of the possession, countless corners but very little end product. Truth be told, it was Norwich who looked more likely to win when they drew level and we were bang out of ideas. They created chances on the break and cut through us with relative ease.

No stand out players today - all 6/10.

On the plus side, Ipswich failed to beat 10 man Stoke so we didn't lose ground. And the run continues .

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01 Jan 2024 21:42:00
Millertime .
This can be broken down very simply.
Playing Stephens at right back didn’t work last time.
Is Stephen a right back - NO
Is KWP a better right back than Stephens - YES
Is KWP a better right midfield/wing than players on the bench - NO
Is KWP as effective playing higher up - NO

Mr Martin - stop being clever and messing around with player positions .

Mr Martin - another load of rhetoric from
You about should have won - well it’s simple, get the ball up the pitch QUICKER

02 Jan 2024 09:02:39
Completely agree with both comments.

Seems RM has fallen into the trap of trying to put all the best players on the pitch, even in their secondary positions. It may make some key players happy that they are not on the bench but not something to be playing around with, especially Mid season.

Also gives me a concern SR are considering selling KWP, so are trying Stephens in his position and then will get a replacement winger. This could cost us promotion, we need to keep our PL players.

While recent results have been positive, progress is needed. Thumping a team's B side with their head not in the game over the holidays is one thing, winning when teams are fighting for every point in the last 10 games will be something else.

We have Leicester, Ipswich and Leeds away in the final 20 games. Ipswich and Leeds have already played twice, so they have an advantage. The table going to be very close. We need to have our best players in their best position moving the ball forward with purpose to get promotion.

02 Jan 2024 12:23:32
I disagree with KWP comment, I'd argue he's better as an attacking winger then he is a defender .at the least he's best in both positions. It's his pace and agility that ables him to get up the pitch but also get back, track and close down players and he's shown time and time again that he's willing to that roll no matter how far up the pitch he plays .so why wouldn't you play in further up?

In relation to other wingers I wouldn't say we have any natural wingers like KWP. Fraser and Sulamana aren't as good on the wing. Fraser isn't as fast and Sulamana although fast hasn't got the consistency KWP has. KWP also has the ability to cut inside and score with the best of them.

So all in all, saying KWP is not effective higher up the pitch is complete bonkers. He's one of our main threats that actually looks to move the ball forward and direct to goal. Sure he's a decent full back/defender but he's an even better winger.

02 Jan 2024 22:39:20
You do somewhat read into posts!
I am not saying he is not influential further up the pitch. he is superb further up the pitch!
He is very influential, very quick, superb at getting to the bye line .
that is something we have enjoyed for seasons FROM a defensive position!
When he plays at the back, we benefit from his excellent defence qualities and his attacking qualities.

Moving him further forward means we lose his superb defensive capabilities.
The beauty of him playing at the back is he can turn defence into attack in one moment .
Stephens is not in the same league as kwp when it comes to being a wing back.
Kwp can turn an opponents attack into a saints attack in one moment.
Stephens is an ok CB and an ok defender.

We are trying to get promotion, we need to be dynamic, fast, unpredictable .
if you think playing stephens at right back makes us a better side, then you don’t know the game.
The modern day right back is a fast flowing, dynamic, skilful player . Stephens is none of that!

Kwp right back combining with Stuey, Mara, Fraser etc is a superb combination …
To suggest kwp is much better than Fraser on the wing . is bizarre . have you watched Fraser play on the wing . not only is he superb, his crossing ability is superb .
I’ll leave it there .
Stephens is not a modern right back.
He is knowing a quick enough, agile enough, or clever enough to be a right back

03 Jan 2024 20:57:11
I never said anything about Stephen's, your point was is KWP bett up the pitch .you said no.

Just because the modern game is more fast "pep-esque" demand more from players in certain positions doesn't mean certain players can't play in places. I agree Stephens isn't a great right back, but I've got nothing against mixing it up . because KWP from day one has always been an attacking full back, not a defensive one .so to argue his defensive attributes are better than his forward play is bizarre. Fraser is ok on the wing, but I'll think your find he's more suited to a Stuey Armstrong roll, attacking midfielder.


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