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12 May 2024 20:48:11
Positives from today is; well for mez its all positive. Mainly because I didn't/don't think we'd win the playoffs and at the moment we're still in a good position .and second positive is whatever were feeling after the result today all the fans of the other 3 teams will be feeling the same as results were same for everyone across the board. We can't be critical if everyone did the same thing. Friday is a fresh start.


1.) 13 May 2024 16:20:27
Completely agree. An away draw is a reasonable result and we should be confident playing at home on Friday.

I watchd the Leeds game highlights on their YouTube channel and it was interesting to read their fans believing they will bottle the playoffs.

So nobody is blowing anybody away and we have a very good chance.



13 Apr 2024 21:44:50
I'm all for the positivity and believe me I am trying lol but I'm still not optimistic about automatic.

Yes it is technically possible again now but we've been riding our luck too hard to get where we are right now. The teams above us have all dropped massive points but we having capitalized on that nearly enough.

The main factor will be when we face them. They're away games and Leicester and Leeds will both up their games and show their promotion form when playing against us. When it comes to ruthlessness and not conceeding when it matters I can't honestly say we've got it in us. Maybe if we start playing Lumley.

I'm going to be positive though, go with the flow and hope for the fairytale lol . Here's hoping for automatic ?




18 Aug 2023 12:14:00
If we let Che Adams go then we're showing no desire/ambition to return to the premier league. I get the majority of the other exits, big value players and fringe players. Che though isn't either. He's definitely class and that's why people are bidding for him obviously but he's a player the club SHOULD be able to keep hold of.

He's a proven goal scorer, even more so in this league and goals are part of the recipe you need for success. The valuation I'm hearing at 10M for him too is ridiculous. I don't rate Adam Armstrong (recent goals were penalties) .and any replacement for Che would be looking to cover the goals he would have certainly got us and there's no guarantee the replacement will .it's madness.

With all this outgoings as well we fans have to be aware that the club is a business. The new owners bought the club for whatever sum of money, the sell of players/assets covers their expenditure whilst netting them a tidy profit. As a business they've just made some nice money, so there's always the possibility that we're here to languish in the championship now whilst our former team is stripped for parts.


1.) 19 Aug 2023 20:55:38
The skill that Adams has is intelligence . he has the Danny Ings/lambert ability to hold and then move into space space at the last moment .
makes him impossible to play, IF our players anticipate his movement .
Three pure poachers goals in three games!
Tella has two great feet, knows where the goal is, bags of confidence!
Adam A . not an intelligent player, hasn’t progressed as a player . love to see Dom Ballard being given a chance over AA



27 Apr 2023 19:15:10
Armstrong instead of Suleman .wtaf! : (:/:#

McCarthy in for bazuna, whilst I do think bazuna needs some time off, he might be decent one day but has been in the firing line too much this season, replacing him with McCarthy is NOT any better. I'd rather keep bazuna in and hope he finds form . McCarthy is just a shower of rubbish and forever will be.




23 Feb 2023 22:05:11
Rickie lambert, a man who knows how to play for Southampton and under decent managers, said was shocked Ralph got the sack and that saints we building something with Ralph at the helm .which is what I've said all along.

Now thankfully that we've got Jones out the way Selles will hopefully keep confidence up enough to maybe adjust for his inexperience and maybe just maybe were scrape survival by a point maybe.

And here's the thing though, if Selles keeps us up by say a point or so, he will be branded a hero. I'm 99.9% certain that Ralph could have achieved that at the least this season yet people called for his head and would have continued to if that's all he got for us this season .that's the irony of the whole thing, how fickle people become when their expectations change.

Ralph sent some words of encouragement to selles and no doubt selles will be implementing some of the ideas/methods he observed from Ralph. and yet here everyone is (the same people who called for Ralphs head) praising Selles . I'm all for selles, I think he might just about keep us up, mainly with luck.but results will evidently go the wrong way for him at some point and he'll get the chop.

Just amazes me how fast fans change


1.) 24 Feb 2023 17:36:31
Bizarre post .are you saying that because I wanted Ralph gone, that I’m not allowed to want Selles?
Jones, just like Ralph, had absolutely no relationship with the players! He fell out with so many of the players while choosing to pick favourites, regardless of form!
His tactical decisions, his substitutions, his formation changes during games was non existent.
We threw a record number points from winning positions, no players improved under him, players were played out of position . players on form
We’re dropped!

We were in free fall, getting worse every season . he should have been sacked ages ago!
As for building something under Ralph? What precisely .

And yes I and many other fans wanted him gone, he lost the dressing room … and thank god he went. the chose of Jones was surreal!
Selles is a breath of fresh air .

There was no change of expectation . I was completely fed up with seeing Ralph on the touch line, completely devoid of ideas. never ever being able to respond to an opponents change of tactics. It was plan A and no plan B. In fact he played the same defensive setup against the bottom team as he did against the top team!
Bizarre how many people were blinded by Ralph being emotive .

2.) 24 Feb 2023 18:49:28
Selles is a breathe of fresh air . So we can hold you to that when your inevitably calling for his head next season?

Fact is, Selles ain't going to do much more than at absolute best maybe, maybe keep us up. Then next season the bricks will begin to fall. It's only fans that seem to have this thing about Ralph. Players and pundits have all gave admiration for what he did for us.

People are sucking selles dick after one game due to him being a better fit than Jones, to which the saints fan are accountable for to somewhat for asking for change. We're see how far that breathe of fresh air takes us after a few games . Point is, if your praising Selles at the end of the season for barely keeping us up .then your whole thing about Ralph is pretty pointless

3.) 25 Feb 2023 14:52:28
Utterly confused by your logic

4.) 25 Feb 2023 15:42:59
Miller time
Utterly confused too . sounds like a post after one too many beers. As for the referencing to sucking Selles Dick . don’t normally get this sort of childish, rude comments! If he has to resort to such comment, there isn’t a lot going on up top!

I have always made my comments honest and open . be that my criticism of Djenepo being awful but happy to say he played well in one game.

Selles showed more technical ability as a manager in that one game that Ralph did all season.
It’s like against Leeds today, it’s not quite working for Saints. will Ruben play the Ralph game of ‘fingers crossed’ or will he make changes. subtle tactical changes or substitutions.
too right he will!

5.) 25 Feb 2023 23:14:33
Nope, twas a sober post and one can still be dignified and articulate whilst using the phrase "suck dick" . In todays day and age it simply relates to some loving a person that much.

My point remains though . Fans that were calling for Ralphs head are now cheering for any meagre success. I'm certain Ralph, at the very least would have kept us up this season and though Selles is a more of a positive since Jones (though let's be fair, anyone would have been) . I think his inexperience will be the too much to save us.

The fact is football is filled with fickle fans, from all clubs and fans never seen to take account for a lot of the rubbish they chant/demand and post on online and social media.

People say Ralph lost the dressing room, yet all I've ever read from actual players and pundits alike is how well he was respected there.

All fans here (I include myself in this) think we know what's what but the reality is that if any of us were given the saints job we'd be no better than Nathan Jones.

And so now, we've got an inexperienced manager trying to manage us out of a relegation battle, who has taken over from a guy who was completely clueless who job was also to save and improve us who was brought in to take over from a guy has kept us at the least stable and more exciting than the managers before him.

Fans forget that were Southampton a lot of the time .no matter how good we start to get other teams will always poach our players/staff. I don't believe in the phrase "a selling club" as saints are one that seem to get labeled with it as the end of the day we're a stepping stone for players and clubs because as soon as someone has success here they can resist moving on . I'm saying this because of we had players here still like mane, shaw, van dyk, hoijberg, ings ect than we wouldn't be in a relegation battle. We can't and never will keep these players and so were left trying to replace them until we end up with sub-par players like djenpo, Adam Armstrong, lyanco ect.

Soo, the reality is accepting our place in the food chain whilst looking for ray of hopes. Ralph was a ray of hope because he genuinely looked like he was happy to stay and try and build something. Fickle fans gave hime the boot though .and thus, here we are.




lesleee's banter posts with other poster's replies to lesleee's banter posts


07 Jul 2024 10:15:44
Seems like RM is continuing down the route of signing young talent from parts of the world/leagues that he knows.

I'm all for young English talent and long may it continue but it is always a bit of a gamble. There's a reason why the premiership is littered with foreign players, because even the top English talent isn't enough. Hopefully though it works out out and or we sign the odd European talent here or there.

On a side note I find it completely nuts that our former chairman is now a member of parliament.and for reform?!



1.) 08 Jul 2024 06:42:00
Glad Rupert Lowe isn't our Chairman now! His hard immigration policy would severely limit our transfer window options!



14 Jun 2024 13:44:46
What's with Downes/Fraser still around training with us .I thought once season ended players go back to thier clubs.

Them training with us has a chance to injury them for Thier parent club now their loan spell is up ?

Are they hanging around because negotiations are going on or is it just they tend to stay on after the season wraps up? I'm sure they always leave once the seasons wrapped up.




06 Jun 2024 13:10:19
Anyone know when the new kit designs are out?

Weve had some shockers and I'm hoping for something good.

17/18 season was my favourite along with 22/23. Hope they carry on in that style or if not 16/17 and 18/19.

Things like all red or sashes, although different I just can't be dealing with lol


1.) 06 Jun 2024 18:22:15
I can't wait to see what puma have in store too



05 Jun 2024 16:11:49
I think we need to be careful regarding optism towards the likes of Harwood-bellis/Downes ect.

Yes they are exceptional championship players but we have to remember they haven't succeeded at all in the premiership yet. The teams we got them didn't take enough of a chance of them.

Don't get me wrong I'm not dismissing their quality (thier amongst our best players) however, unlike the rest of our team they haven't truly been tested in the premiership yet. The same players we saw shine this season might look completely lost in a regular premiership team.

On that note the Armstrong's. Adam showed his championship form again this season, the same form led us to buy him originally. However in the premiership he was nothing like that same player we saw. In contrast we've now lost Stuart Armstrong, one of our most best and consistent players (in the premiership too) that we've had in a while.Im my opinion we should have done everything we could have to keep Stuey any team he goes on too now will be improved.

As for RM all of his signings have largely involved bringing in those people who he knows/English loan talent. When it comes to finding gems from abroad or talent other than that he already knows remains to be seen.

All in all going forward in relation to signings as to wether we can mount a team worthy of establishing ourselves back in the top flight I think it will come down to the players we let go I.e. (Stuey) along with the championship players we take a chance on Belis/Armstrong/Downes/Smallbone/Fraser (if we end up resigning em) and how many overall additions we make because as it is I don't think we got enough strength.

One things for sure we need a new keeper. Sorry Bazuna but you had a whole year as prem no 1 but didn't cut it. You then had another year as championship No1 and not only did you not improve, you quite possibly got worse. I had to knock a young players confidence (like he or any saints representative actually reads this lol) but still I think at most Bazuna needs to be back up next season and we make it out mission to build from a solid goalkeeping base.


1.) 05 Jun 2024 23:09:19
Great post and completely agree lesleee

We need proven PL players throughout the spine. One unexpected advantage of our slow build up play is that players past their prime can be suited to it, so we have a chance of picking up experienced players, at the end of their contracts.

Championship and youth players are a 50/50. Let's not put too much pressure on them and ensure we have an alternative.

2.) 12 Jun 2024 15:49:05
Seems some fans are still confused as to how the club (and most clubs frankly) go about sourcing, scouting, and signing players. Saying that RM hasn't proved himself with finding foreign gems.really odd statement!

Anyway, let's all hope that the recruitment is good this summer, as the one thing we can all agree on is that we do need to add 3-5 quality players to the ranks and we can't afford any mistakes.



28 May 2024 15:40:10
I see lallana could be on the way back. I never understood the hatred for him leaving. Sure he could have stayed but it was a time when everything was being sold and striped apart.

To me he will always be one of our own and though is best years are behind him I'd still welcome him back and take a gamble on him. If for nothing more to have around the club day to day and build on the feel good factor. A good team atmosphere comes from having people who know the club and he does.

Hopefully the news is true.


1.) 28 May 2024 16:21:00
Our posts must have crossed (see below) and I’m like you - I would welcome him back.

2.) 28 May 2024 22:19:12
Saw him sitting next to Le Tiss at Wembley. I would welcome him back.

I think we should prioritise experienced Premier league players and hungry championship or Scottish league players, before rolling the dice on the under 21s or foreign league players.

I would rather 3 to 5 proven players than 10 moneyball signings like the year before.

3.) 03 Jun 2024 15:14:18
Lallana as a player = No for me, heard he might come in as a player/coach. That might work if we are paying him as a coach.

Ben Johnson = Yes, decent age/experience

ABK and Duje Caleta-Car = I would love ABK back but somehow can't see it happening. Will probably get Car back but I am undecided, I don't think we saw the best of him. THB and Bednarek should be first choice. Jan has heaps of experience and wasn't to blame for the deffense IMO . We were weak down the flanks and didn't defend as a team.

Clyne = 33 for a fullback? Not sure, great experience, I would probably take that punt if the wages are reasonable.

Ings = No way, we gambled once and won, he can finish but can he keep up, I doubt it. We will be playing on the break a lot of the time, I can't see it working.

Chris Wood = Maybe if we swap RM for Big Sam! No thanks.

Bazzunu, I don't understand the hatred for him amongst some. He has been asked to play in a particular way and he has, personally think he has been brilliant in coping with that. We could have Courtois in goal with our back 4 and the way we play but we would have had similar problems. nb. if we had play like that in the prem we will be embarrassed on a regular basis. But we wont, we will play more like we did against leeds. We needed to play like that against lesser teams to draw them out.

Transfer Priorities for me will be a ball winning /holding mid and a fast atheletic striker with a better finishing ratio than Che. Get Broja permanent if possible I really think he has a future and he hasn't really shone yet.




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03 Jan 2024 20:57:11
I never said anything about Stephen's, your point was is KWP bett up the pitch .you said no.

Just because the modern game is more fast "pep-esque" demand more from players in certain positions doesn't mean certain players can't play in places. I agree Stephens isn't a great right back, but I've got nothing against mixing it up . because KWP from day one has always been an attacking full back, not a defensive one .so to argue his defensive attributes are better than his forward play is bizarre. Fraser is ok on the wing, but I'll think your find he's more suited to a Stuey Armstrong roll, attacking midfielder.




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02 Jan 2024 12:23:32
I disagree with KWP comment, I'd argue he's better as an attacking winger then he is a defender .at the least he's best in both positions. It's his pace and agility that ables him to get up the pitch but also get back, track and close down players and he's shown time and time again that he's willing to that roll no matter how far up the pitch he plays .so why wouldn't you play in further up?

In relation to other wingers I wouldn't say we have any natural wingers like KWP. Fraser and Sulamana aren't as good on the wing. Fraser isn't as fast and Sulamana although fast hasn't got the consistency KWP has. KWP also has the ability to cut inside and score with the best of them.

So all in all, saying KWP is not effective higher up the pitch is complete bonkers. He's one of our main threats that actually looks to move the ball forward and direct to goal. Sure he's a decent full back/defender but he's an even better winger.




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25 Feb 2023 23:14:33
Nope, twas a sober post and one can still be dignified and articulate whilst using the phrase "suck dick" . In todays day and age it simply relates to some loving a person that much.

My point remains though . Fans that were calling for Ralphs head are now cheering for any meagre success. I'm certain Ralph, at the very least would have kept us up this season and though Selles is a more of a positive since Jones (though let's be fair, anyone would have been) . I think his inexperience will be the too much to save us.

The fact is football is filled with fickle fans, from all clubs and fans never seen to take account for a lot of the rubbish they chant/demand and post on online and social media.

People say Ralph lost the dressing room, yet all I've ever read from actual players and pundits alike is how well he was respected there.

All fans here (I include myself in this) think we know what's what but the reality is that if any of us were given the saints job we'd be no better than Nathan Jones.

And so now, we've got an inexperienced manager trying to manage us out of a relegation battle, who has taken over from a guy who was completely clueless who job was also to save and improve us who was brought in to take over from a guy has kept us at the least stable and more exciting than the managers before him.

Fans forget that were Southampton a lot of the time .no matter how good we start to get other teams will always poach our players/staff. I don't believe in the phrase "a selling club" as saints are one that seem to get labeled with it as the end of the day we're a stepping stone for players and clubs because as soon as someone has success here they can resist moving on . I'm saying this because of we had players here still like mane, shaw, van dyk, hoijberg, ings ect than we wouldn't be in a relegation battle. We can't and never will keep these players and so were left trying to replace them until we end up with sub-par players like djenpo, Adam Armstrong, lyanco ect.

Soo, the reality is accepting our place in the food chain whilst looking for ray of hopes. Ralph was a ray of hope because he genuinely looked like he was happy to stay and try and build something. Fickle fans gave hime the boot though .and thus, here we are.




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24 Feb 2023 18:49:28
Selles is a breathe of fresh air . So we can hold you to that when your inevitably calling for his head next season?

Fact is, Selles ain't going to do much more than at absolute best maybe, maybe keep us up. Then next season the bricks will begin to fall. It's only fans that seem to have this thing about Ralph. Players and pundits have all gave admiration for what he did for us.

People are sucking selles dick after one game due to him being a better fit than Jones, to which the saints fan are accountable for to somewhat for asking for change. We're see how far that breathe of fresh air takes us after a few games . Point is, if your praising Selles at the end of the season for barely keeping us up .then your whole thing about Ralph is pretty pointless





lesleee's banter replies


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22 May 2024 00:07:20
I'm pretty sure that's what I said Miller and you said "That's the least they should be doing" ?

As long as the match isn't over for us in the first half I'll be ok.

On a side note, I know I'm dreaming but I see Pochetino is free again. Why is impossible to hope he would come back and help rebuild again. I know it would never happen but would be amazing if he did, I'm pretty sure he'd be welcomed back with open arms.




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23 Apr 2024 22:53:59
I've been saying for a long time Bazuna needed replacing. I don't like having a go at him because he is young and there is potential there but he needs time away from being No1 to work on ACTUALLY saving the ball.

We could easily have had an extra 10 points on the board if it wasn't for goals that went in, in games where we could have won or drawn of they hadn't .if Bazuna had actually saved it. I've watched games where the opposition shots on target/to goal ratios has pretty much been 100%. It's showing that we're keeping the ball forever but the actual things that matter like scoring or more importantly saving .we aren't doing.




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23 Apr 2024 22:29:38
Yea Miller time . Believe it or not that was me trying to be positive lol.

Even winning against Leeds Leicester we wouldn't have gained automatic as we've left it too late. My post was more about trying to find form to take into the envitable playoffs.

However the performance tonight is the true team we've been all season, somehow masked by luck, other teams performance ect. By that I mean games where it really matters, when its about playing actual football and getting the job done we can't. That's why in honesty we aren't going up this year. Too much pressure and too much of performing when it matters is where it will go wrong for us. Keeping the ball/possession has what has kept us out of danger most matches and to be fair you could argue that's a decent enough tactic (when the other team hasn't got the ball they can't score) .but we're too weak when teams do go at us and we're too timid at times to do what's needed when we do .too much tippy tappy .were not peps Barcelona Russell lol ??

The teams we go against in the playoffs will go for our throats and we're just not able or ready for that.




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17 Apr 2024 16:59:17
I owe whoever did a beer, that injury might just save our season.

Though I'd rather they shot McCarthy as well as he's just as much a donkey ?. Lumley is the best of the current bad bunch we've got at the moment.




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05 Apr 2024 02:33:34
I'm not disagreeing on RMs faults . He's a stubborn bastard. What I am saying though is that if we don't get promotion this year and the fans call for his head then anyone who comes in HAS to get promotion, because anything short of that and we may as well stick with RM. I can't think of anyone willing to join us who will guarantee us promotion.

For all his faults RM this season would have done everything but get us promotion, meaning anyone else who takes his place would be no better unless promotion is guaranteed with them. All in all i'd rather someone who knows the team/players have another crack at it then gambling on the unknown because with RM you know that we're going to be competing again whereas with an unknown sure they might be awesome but there's also a very real chance than when you roll that dice that new manager ends up sinking the ship and sends us down the league.

I'd rather take the RM gamble for another season then the unknown gamble as we've had some real dodgy managers in recent times. Better the devil you know.
