16 Feb 2024 21:29:58
Playing stephens at left back . why?
Playing Charles?
Keeps Mara on and takes Fraser off?
Mara not in the game .
We are way too slow in possession .
We take 1 or 2 too many touches around our box .
Aribo on? Instead of the new guys from
Multiple tactical mistakes tonight .

1.) 16 Feb 2024
16 Feb 2024 22:45:00
Small margins - the decision not to award a penalty against Stephens was a great help but Baz’s save was a game turner. That was a worldy!

Again, the finishing eleven was stronger than the starting line up. Charles was rubbish and should not start in front of players like Brooks and Aribo.

We got the 3 points and we must celebrate that because I honestly thought the best we could hope for was a draw.

Sending Plymouth positive vibes!

2.) 17 Feb 2024
17 Feb 2024 10:42:57
Forgot to say that I agreed with the pundit who said referring to the two near calamities when Baz miscontrolled playing out from the back that there’s a fine line between brilliance and idiocy.

Couldn’t have put it better myself - the amount of times my heart’s in my mouth with those suicidal back passes when all that’s required is a good old fashion hoof upfield.