28 Apr 2024 11:45:07
I'm going to apologise to the people here. I'm genuinely sorry for actually hoping we could win the championship and secure autos. I completely forgot that a deluded manager who thinks a 5-0 loss is 'unlucky'or let alone have a team have 0 shots on target and say we played well is managing a team that is slowly dying.

I cannot fathom RM's stupidity at this point. He needs to manage the team not sit and watch from the sidelines. Ik he has a lot on his plate with Swansea suing him because he broke some contract or something. But he needs to perform. We aren't a championship team. We should be prem level. We need a rebuild start getting players that can consistently perform we don't have players that really have consistency.

At this point I think Millertime are any one of you should be the manager as you would do something not just sit around and downplay how bad we are doing.

Personally, I given up this season. Leeds will be going up unless they bottle it because we suck under pressure. An example being the Cardiff game that was a crucial game to get autos and we lost.

1.) 29 Apr 2024
29 Apr 2024 08:31:00
Apologies for what mate? It is our job to have some belief and push the team on, as well as give a reality check too. It makes it more fun when there is something to play for.

Automatic was a long shot but if we kept up our good form, won the big games and got some luck there was a 10% chance. Unfortunately we got worse and the top 3 turned it around.

I am hoping the recent slump is a blip. They are young men and have seen two close friends get serious injuries, are tired after a long season, frustrated at missing out on automatic promotion and know they will be saying goodbye to some team mates.

The slump could continue or like earlier in the season, we could beat Leeds and then go on a run. Let's hope for the latter. COYR!